Dutchess County Fair cancelled; Ulster County Fair also cancelled


Organizers for the Dutchess County Fair "have made the incredibly difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Dutchess County Fair":

“Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation and its impact on community health and well-being, we have made the incredibly difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Dutchess County Fair.

The safety of the Dutchess County Fair’s participants, visitors and community is our highest priority.  Contact with county governmental agencies and the Health Department was sought and it became clear that cancellation was the most sensible choice.

Although this is not the decision or the outcome we had hoped for, the fair must do its part to improve community health and safety and reduce the cycle of infection.  

Provided the COVID-19 situation improves to the point where it is safe to hold mass gatherings, the 175th Dutchess County Fair will return August 24 – 29, 2021. 

We look forward to brighter, better days ahead.  Until then, be safe. “

On Monday, June 1, 2020, The Ulster County Fair organizers announced the fair is cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns. “The impact will be felt far beyond the loss of our annual celebration. We are heartbroken for our concessionaires, family farms, competitors, and exhibitors, Klein’s Entertainment and our Carnival Provider, Dreamland Amusements. Most of all, we will miss our young exhibitors and our 4-H family who prepare all year for the fair.

"We look forward to brighter, better days ahead when we can gather again to celebrate all that is exceptional about Ulster County. Until then, stay safe, be well and support each other. We’ll miss you.”

The Columbia County Fair board members say they have put a “hold on renting any fairground facilities” and “need to know before July 1 to prepare” for the fair scheduled for September 2-7, 2020. The Greene County Youth Fair is cancelled. On Monday, organizers in Orange County told HVNY they are still awaiting word from the state before making any changes to their fair, which is scheduled for the end of July. The Putnam County Fair, which usually takes place at the county’s Veterans Memorial Park, has also been cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns.

