Hilarie Burton Morgan, area residents seeking cloth masks, donations for local healthcare workers

Actress Hilarie Burton Morgan has teamed up with fellow Northern Dutchess residents – Kate Kortbus, Tara Shafer, Donna Faraldi, Dr. Sharagim Kemp, and Lawrie Bird – to launch an initiative to support local healthcare workers during the COVID-19 crisis.

In addition to collecting protective gear, the group is looking for the public’s help to make masks for healthcare workers. Protective gear and masks can be dropped off on the porch of the Northern Dutchess Hospital Foundation office: 6531 Springbrook Avenue, Rhinebeck, N.Y. 12572


Here is a link to the mask plans Hilarie has been using: https://www.commonsewing.com/blog/diy-face-mask-tutorial or see a one-page PDF pattern, here: https://freesewing.org/fu-facemask-freesewing.org.letter.pdf

If sewing is not your forte, you can help by donating money to the GiveInKind Food Fund, which has been designed to hire local restaurants to deliver meals to medical personnel at the Ulster Testing Site in Kingston. Funds collected are used to purchase food deliveries through local restaurants to ensure that healthcare workers at the COVID-19 Ulster County Testing Site are getting the nourishment they need. It costs about $500/day to feed the staff of approximately 40 people.

To donate, visit:  https://www.giveinkind.com/inkinds/L6G7N5J/feed-the-medical-personnel-at-the-covid-19-ulster-county-testing-site