Village of Rhinebeck mayor's wife tests positive for COVID-19

In a Village of Rhinebeck informational notice sent out Monday morning, Village Mayor Gary Bassett confirmed his wife has tested positive for COVID-19, and he will be quarantined for two weeks:

“I am writing this newsletter from my home office, where I have been working for the past two weeks. I am very aware that each of you reading this is also taking personal steps to prevent the spread of COVID19

Unfortunately, I have just learned that my wife Brenda has tested positive for COVID19, and is currently in isolation and receiving oxygen at Northern Dutchess Hospital. 

Despite the many precautions we took, she was somehow exposed. My message to everyone is that this brings home how very contagious this virus is, so please continue to very carefully follow all the guidelines from health officials to protect yourselves and your loved ones. I cannot stress how important this is. I will be quarantined for at least two weeks.”

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