COVID-19: Gyms in New York State can re-open


Get pumped: Gyms and fitness centers throughout New York state are permitted to begin re-opening indoors today, Monday, August 24, 2020 at 33-percent capacity with certain COVID-19-related guidelines. A list of health protocols mandated by the state (and enforced by localities) can be viewed here, and include:

  • Inspection by the local health department before or within 14 days of re-opening, by September 2*

  • 33% capacity for fitness center use and exercise class sizes

  • Masks are required at all times

  • Communal showers will be closed

  • Saunas, steam rooms, water fountains will be closed

  • No sharing of personal items like towels

  • Equipment must be cleaned/disinfected before and after each use

  • Free weight exercises that require a spotter are discouraged. “However, if those exercises occur, an employee wearing a face covering should be available or the patron who is lifting the weights should have a member of their household or party who is wearing a face covering available to spot. In either case, spotting must be conducted within the least amount of time possible (i.e., no lingering or socializing).”

  • Gyms must maintain a record of the aforementioned sign-in data for a minimum period of 28 days and make such data available to state and local health departments upon request.

*According to the state, this guidance takes effect on Monday, August 24, 2020 for gyms and fitness centers in all regions of New York. “However, chief executives of counties outside of New York City or the mayor of New York City may decide to postpone the effective date within their jurisdiction until a later date, but in no event later than Wednesday, September 2, 2020. Chief executives of counties outside of New York City or the mayor of New York City may decide to opt-out of indoor group fitness and aquatic classes within their jurisdiction, postponing their resumption until a later date.”

More info:
