Week of December 5-11, 2022


Week of December 5-11, 2022

Older Driving Safety Awareness Week
December 5-9, 2022 • Promotes awareness of the resources available for older drivers. According to the Dutchess County OFA: “When in doubt, don’t go out. Winters can be tough on any driver, whether they’re 28 or 82. Plan your travel for when conditions are best. • Dutchess County Office for the Aging, ofa@dutchessny.gov website: www.dutchessny.gov/aging • More info

Parking & Shuttle Study: Findings & Recommendations Webinar
Tuesday, December 6, 2022 • 7 to 8:30pm • This live webinar will feature the findings and recommendations for the Hudson Highlands Fjord Trail from Steadman-Hill Consulting and Creighton-Manning LLP, the professional team of transportation experts engaged to complete an eight-month long comprehensive Parking & Shuttle Study. The presentation will include the results of the public survey on shuttle service collected this fall. The HHFT Parking & Shuttle Study was conducted with the input of a stakeholder working group, including representatives from four local municipalities, the New York State Department of Transportation, the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, and Metro-North Railroad. The findings and recommendations from this study will inform the transportation plan for the Fjord Trail linear park. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the study, its goals, findings and recommendations, and ask questions at the end of this presentation. • Register

Senator Hinchey's Holiday Toy Drive
Through Wednesday, December 7, 2022 • 5 - 6:45pm 721 Broadway, Suite 150, Kingston • This holiday season, Senator Hinchey’s office is hosting their Second Annual Kingston Toy Drive in partnership with People’s Place Project Santa! Help make our community a little bit brighter this season by donating unwrapped toys for newborns to sixteen-year-olds at Senator Hinchey’s Kingston Office (721 Broadway, Suite 150) anytime between Wednesday, November 23, until Wednesday, December 7. Senator Hinchey will also be hosting a toy drive-in, drop-off event on Wednesday, December 7, from 5pm to 6:45 pm, in the parking lot of her Kingston office (721 Broadway, Suite 150). •  hinchey@nysenate.gov

Made In Kingston
Thursday, December 8, 2022 • 3-8pm • Cost: Free • 507 Broadway, Kingston • Showcasing artisans and crafters in the city of Kingston • madeinkingstonny.com

Astor Services' Annual Holiday Party
Thursday, December 8, 2022 • 6-9pm • Cost: $100 • 1 Collegeview Ave, Poughkeepsie • Join Astor Services for holiday cocktails, an Italian buffet, live entertainment and a raffle in support of its Enrichment Program, which helps children participate in sports, dance, music and other community activities. Guests may also bid on a getaway trip to The Grand Isle Resort in Exuma, Bahamas. Tickets are required for this event and are available for purchase online. • astorservices.org/events/holiday-party/

 The SUNY Ulster Music Department presents the 2022 Fall Semester Concert Series
Thursday, December 8, 2022 • 7:30pm • Cost: Free • SUNY Ulster Quimby Theater in Vanderlyn Hall on the Stone Ridge Campus, 491 Cottekill Rd, Stone Ridge • The holiday spirit continues with the second half of the SUNY Ulster Music Departments Fall Semester Concert Series. Holiday music from around the world is featured in this performance including Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy, Gavotte en Rondeau, and Cantate Domino. • This event is free of charge, open to the public and does not require tickets. COVID-19 Screening will take place during check-in.

Dam Removal Case Studies
Thursday, December 8, 2022 • 8:30-9:30am • Cost: Free • Virtual event • NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) Hudson River Estuary Program provides grant funding to dam owners that are interested in removing their dam. Dam removal is a river restoration strategy that can reconnect stream habitat, improve water quality, and reduce flooding hazards. This can be an expensive and complex process that involves close collaboration with NYS DEC regulatory staff. Michael Fraatz, Biologist from NYS DEC Bureau of Ecosystem Health, will discuss the 2021 removal of a historic dam within the Moodna Creek in the Village of Washingtonville, NY. He will review the work plan between the applicant and agency staff, compliance monitoring during removal, and restoration of impacted areas post-construction. Suzette Lopane, Landscape Architect from Westchester County, will share information on their work removing barriers on the Furnace Brook in Westchester County. The Maiden Lane Dam is no longer compliant with the latest standards for dam safety. Defunct small dams such as this one are at risk of breaching due to deterioration with age, especially since significant development within watersheds has increased impervious surface area resulting in increased surface runoff, stormwater channeling and discharge during large precipitation events. • Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3yuX6SF-SBGRn083OgXJ3g

Sunset Sensations
Through December 8, 2022 • Locust Grove Estate, 2683 South Road (Route 9), Poughkeepsie • On the second Thursday of each month enjoy great wines paired with delicious culinary creations inspired by fresh vegetables from Locust Grove's Kitchen Garden. Three samplings created by the chef of the month will be paired with wines curated by local wine experts; then explore the estate gardens with Director of Horticulture Claire Davis. Tickets are $30/person ($35 in December) and are now on sale. Call 845-454-4500 for tickets.

BEAVERLAND: Launch event with author Leila Philip
Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 6:30pm at the Morton Memorial Library, Rhinecliff • And Friday, December 9, 2022 at 6pm at Hudson Hall • Free with reservations recommended • “Leila Philip’s Beaverland is an engaging story centered on a nerdy anti-hero, the beaver. While she states that beavers are weird, she makes a strong case that people in the beaver world are even weirder. This book weaves humor and storytelling with profound thoughts about nature. Don’t miss the beavers parachuting into the Idaho wilderness.” – Mark Kurlansky, New York Times bestselling author of Cod and Salt. Join the launch event of Beaverland: How One Weird Rodent Made America (Grand Central Publishing 2022) by award-winning writer Leila Philip. Beaverland is a revelatory dive into the world of the beaver: the wonderfully weird rodent that has shaped American history in often surprising ways — and may save its ecological future. • Reserve tickets in RhinecliffReserve tickets in Hudson

Nutcracker: A Free Sensory Friendly performance
Friday, December 9, 2022 • 6pm • Bardavon 1869 Opera House, 35 Market Street, Poughkeepsie • Residents of all abilities and their families to a free, sensory-sensitive performance of the holiday classic ballet, “The Nutcracker,” presented by the New Paltz Ballet Theatre. Seating is limited, and reservations are required online. During this “no-hush” performance, the Bardavon will adjust both the lighting and sound to make the experience more enjoyable for those on the autism spectrum or who experience sensory issues. RSVP.

A Candlelight Christmas Concert
Friday, December 9, 2022 • 7pm • Cost: $20 • 920 1st Street, Peekskill, The annual Candlelight Christmas Concert at the Church of the Assumption in Peekskill featuring internationally acclaimed vocal artist Mary Mancini, World Renowned Accordion Virtuoso Mario Tacca, and The Victor Vionti String Quartet. They will perform your favorite classic and contemporary Christmas Hymns and Carols, as well as stunning pieces from Bach, Vivaldi, Handel and Mozart. • Tickets are $20 for Adults; $10 for children under 15. Light refreshments will be served after the concert in the Fr. Wilson Hall. Tickets will be on sale in the church vestibule after all the Masses on the weekends of Nov. 26/27 and Dec. 2/3. You can also purchase your tickets at Church Rectory. For more information contact Gioia Productions at 914-737-8872.

FDR Holiday Open House, Children’s Reading Festival
Saturday, December 10, 2022 • 9am - 5pm • Free • Henry A. Wallace Center, FDR Historic Site, Hyde Park • Both FDR’s home and the Roosevelt Library study will be decorated for the holidays as they were during the Roosevelt presidency. During the Children's Reading Festival, children's book authors will read from and sign copies of their books. Featured books will be available for purchase. Live Music and Santa: In addition, there will be live music, free photos with Santa, from 1pm to 3pm, and children can make holiday cards for sailors on the USS Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt (www.ddg-roosevelt.navy.mil) beginning at noon. Refreshments in the visitor center will be served throughout the afternoon. Admission is free to the Home and Library throughout the day • https://www.fdrlibrary.org/events-calendar

Unison Arts Craft, Art & Design Fair
Saturday, December 10, 2022 & Sunday, December 11, 2022 • 10am-5pm • Cost: $5 suggested donation at the door • 68 Mountain Rest Rd., New Paltz • Unison Arts Center’s 31st Annual Craft, Art and Design Fair will be held on December 10th & 11th from 10am-5pm. Unison’s longest running fundraising event is returning in person after a 2-year hiatus to the gallery & theater space at 68 Mountain Rest Rd. in New Paltz, NY. This is the premiere winter holiday event, where Unison brings some of the finest Hudson Valley artisans together in community support. This intimate holiday shopping experience is an opportunity to see and purchase extraordinary handmade crafts and fine arts- a one-of-a- kind chance to get to know and support local artisans in the Hudson Valley. There will be a wide choice of work by jewelers, quilters, potters, painters with high quality items & gifts such as guitars, jams and pickles, herbs, & more. • Entry is a $5 suggested donation at the door. Children 12 & under are free. • unisonarts.org, 845-255-1559, unisonarts.org/events/31st-annual-craft-art-design-fair

3rd Annual Festival of Wreaths Vendor & Craft Fair
Saturday, December 10, 2022 • 10am- 2pm • Free admission • Montgomery C. Smith Elementary School in Hudson • The MCSES PTO will be hosting its third annual Festival of Wreaths Vendor & Craft Fair featuring local crafters and vendors, including Whats Really Good food by Larry Walker, a bake sale, raffles, photo opportunities with Santa, and more! We will also have wreaths on display decorated by local businesses that you can purchase raffle tickets for to try and win. The drawing for the wreaths will be on December 22, and the winners will be contacted by a member of the PTO. • https://fb.me/e/33mQWSAGy

Hudson Farmers’ Market Holiday Market
Saturdays, December 10 and 17, 2022 • 10am - 1pm • Elks Lodge, 201 Harry Howard Ave., Hudson • 30+ vendors, live music, toys and more • hudsonfarmersmarketny.com

Snow Ball with the Snow Sisters
Saturday, December 10, 2022 • 10:30am-noon • Cost: Free • 117 Harry Howard Ave., Hudson • Appearing for this special event will be the Snow Sisters, Elsa and Anna. First, the Snow Sisters will lead a festive sing-a-long and teach us all a dance. Then, play some winter-themed games with prizes for all and do a holiday craft. All attendees can pose for pictures with the Snow Sisters in front of a magical winter background: children can wear their princess or prince attire to the Snow Ball to make this picture extra special. Finally, travel through the Museum to find all the festive winter scenes, as you complete the holiday scavenger hunt and get yet another prize. •All activities are free and will be indoors. Free admission to the Museum will also be offered to all who attend this special event. Reservations are not required • fasnyfiremuseum.com/events/snow-ball-2022/

Pictures With Santa
Saturday, December 10, 2022 • 11am - 3pm • Cost: $10 • 2401 State Rte 52 Pine Bush • Hudson Valley's Most Popular Pictures with Santa is Back! Pine Bush Tractor Supply Co. is hosting Bleu's K9 Rescue Inc. For Our 6th Annual Pet Pictures with Santa Fundraiser. This Family Picture day is Organized to Help Raise Awareness and Funds for the Many Local Dogs in Need of a Home. Featuring Wonderful Raffles, Baked Goods, Adopting and Fostering Information. • $10 per printed photo • Note: ALL PETS ARE WELCOME. Pets need to be brought in a carrier or on leash/ harness. You know your pets best – if they will be too stressed by coming to a strange place and potentially waiting near strange people and other pets, please be mindful of this and consider leaving these pets at home. You may want to bring favorite toys or treats along with you to the event to keep your pets calm and entertained. Depending on the time there may be a short wait in line for photos.facebook.com/events/748688633231496

Tivoli Winterfest Celebration (new date due to the weather last week!)
Saturday, December 10, 2022 • 2-7pm • 2-3pm: Santa fire truck tour through the village, then crafts, chili and cookie decorating, holiday lights and horse-drawn wagon rides on Broadway from 5-7pm • tivolinow.com

Group Acupuncture for Grief & Holiday Blues
Saturday, December 10, 2022 • 3-4pm • Pellegrino Healing Center Building A, 4307 Albany Post Road, Hyde Park • Sliding Scale: $15-$45 pay what you can • As human beings we all experience the emotional challenges that come with grief and loss, especially during the holiday season. Whether you are mourning the loss of a loved one, an opportunity, a physical attribute, or a certain way of life, you can benefit from this emotional processing session. The holiday season can be difficult for so many, which is why it’s important to gather and heal in collective energy this month. Our group themed acupuncture clinic is a unique opportunity to experience the synergy of support and healing in a community setting. Specific acupuncture points will be used to regulate emotions, balance the mind, and heal the heartspace. Group acupuncture is a time-tested practice that is deeply healing and comforting. This is a quiet, no-talking gathering where participants can soften into their treatment in stillness. Aromatherapy, healing music, and our special style of treatment will allow you to melt into relaxation. Reminders: There is no talking during this quiet treatment and reflection time. Wear loose and comfortable clothing. Turn your cell phone off or on silent. • pellegrinohealingcenter.com/events

Uptown Kingston’s Second Saturday
Saturday, December 10, 2022 • Participating local businesses will remain open late (until 8pm) on the second Saturday of every month in 2022.

Caroling to the Cows
Sundays, December 11 and 18, 2022 • 5:30-6:30pm • Churchtown Dairy, 357 County Road 12, Hudson • As is tradition at the farm, we'll be gathering together to sing holiday songs to the dairy cows in the Round Barn from the hay lofts above. This year, we are fortunate enough to have our friends at Beautiful Racket leading us. Hot chocolate will be served in the Farm Store space beforehand to give folks a warm welcome. The event promises to be festive and full of cheer for cows and participants alike. Kites Nest and Hudson Youth Department will be generously providing transportation from the City of Hudson for those in need. Please email grace@churchtowndairy.org to reserve a seat. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/caroling-to-the-cows-tickets-465277596817

List your community event in this calendar, for free!

Deadline for HVNY’s weekly newsletter is 5pm on Fridays at least a week before your event. Email press releases and story ideas to hello@hvny.info. Submit events to this calendar for free by using this form: hvny.info/share-your-event



D'Arcy Simpson Art Works Presents: Translation by Will McLeod
On display until December 12, 2022 • noon-5pm • Cost: Free admission • D'Arcy Simpson Art Works, 409 Warren Street, Hudson • Will McLeod’s paintings are purely intuitive and free, mined from his subconscious and emotions from that moment in time. They are amalgamations of color and form with hints of figures and objects that reveal narrative and rhythm. When complete, they become muses, patterns for what's to come next– large intricate fabric mosaics, meticulously sewn constructions that are 3-D adaptations of these free flowing expressive paintings. Translations will be on view at D’Arcy Simpson Art Works from November 12- December 12. • darcysimpsonartworks.com/

Dickens's Christmas Carol
Through December 18, 2022 •  $45, $40 children • Park at Philipsburg Manor, 381 N. Broadway, Sleepy Hollow • Nestle in to Old Dutch Church and let master storyteller Jonathan Kruk regale you with the classic tale. Then warm up with a hot beverage at the Philipsburg Manor Museum Shop included with the price of your ticket • Ticketshudsonvalley.org/events/dickenss-christmas-carol/

Christmas on the Farm with Eggbert
Through December 23, 2022 • 10am-5pm (Eggbert's working hours are 3-7pm Fridays, 10am-5pm on Saturdays, 10am-4pm on Sundays.) • Tickets: $15 at the door and free for children under 3. • 56 Devitt Circle, New Windsor. • devittsnsy.com

Newburgh Market's Holiday Pop Up Shop
Through December 24, 2022 • Saturdays 11am-8pm and Sundays 12pm-6pm • Cost: Free admission • Newburgh Mall, 1401 NY 300, Newburgh • Newburgh Market presents its second annual holiday pop up shop sponsored by Designed Grind Cafe. Located inside the Newburgh Mall home to Resorts World Casino. Local Hudson Valley vendors will be selling their unique products every Saturday and Sunday from November 19-December 24. Jewelry, beauty products, hair products, spices, clothing, handmade ornaments and much more • facebook.com/newburghmarket

The Wonderland of Lights
Through December 25, 2022 • Dutchess County Fairgrounds, Rhinebeck • $30 for up to eight people, $45 for a limo/mini-bus for 9-25 people • Drive-through holiday-themed light display • thewonderlandoflights.com/twol-rhinebeck-ny/

ERDAJT’s Christmas Light Display
Through December 28, 2022 • 8 Patrick Drive, LaGrangeville • This year’s light count: 703,000 – over 100,000 more than their previous Guinness Record! • erdajt.com

& Art Fair: Special Exhibit
Through December 31, 2022 • The Museum at Bethel Woods • Interactive and innovative exhibition offering a unique window to art and culture in the '60s • Admission to the Special Exhibit is included in the ticket to The Museum at Bethel Woods, or $5 standalone. • BethelWoodsCenter.org

Thomas Barrett, Jr.: Poughkeepsie Artist
On display through December 31, 2022 • Adriance Memorial Library, Poughkeepsie • Registration required. • Through a recently donated collection from the Barrett Art Center, we will explore the life and work of Poughkeepsie-born artist Thomas Barrett, Jr. Artwork, personal papers, and photos from the collection, shed light on the mind of this local artist. • Register

Hudson Valley Free Day at Dia Beacon
The last Sunday of every monthDia Beacon offers free admission for residents of the Hudson Valley. (The following counties: Albany, Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Rensselaer, Rockland, Saratoga, Schenectady, Sullivan, Ulster, Washington, and Westchester.) Additionally, City of Beacon residents (including the adjacent Hudson Valley communities of Chelsea, Fishkill, and Glenham) receive free admission to Dia Beacon every Saturday and Sunday. Please present identification and proof of residence at the admissions desk. • diaart.org/visit/visit-our-locations-sites/dia-beacon-beacon-united-states 

Peace, Love and Lights
Through January 1, 2023 • Bethel Woods Center for the Arts • 1.7 mile holiday light show, with new displays throughout the route! This year, the festival of lights has the following areas: New York; Holidays Around The World; Snowflake Alley; Christmas; Candy Cane Lane; Enchanted Forest, and of course, Groovy Way. • Walkthrough on Mondays through December 26, 2022 • bethelwoodscenter.org/events/peace-love-lights

"Harriet Tubman: Journey to Freedom" Sculpture Visit
On view through January 2, 2023 • A 9-foot, 2,400-pound bronze sculpture created by internationally recognized artist Wesley Wofford, will be on display at the Ulster County Office Building, 204 Fair St. in Kingston • More info: Link

Exhibition: No Misery Can Tell, No Word of Farewell
On view through March 18, 2023, Saturdays, noon to 5pm • Maxon Mills, Wassaic • No Misery Can Tell, No Word of Farewell, the Wassaic Project’s 2022–2023 winter exhibition, sees eleven artists take on the coming world with the clear-eyed dignity of a folk song. Among them, Cate Pasquarelli’s glass cloche sculptures subtly question the miniaturization and commodification of our collective crises, Richard Barlow’s monumental chalk drawings speak to threatened water reserves in the Hudson Valley, Eric Garcia’s acrylic mural captures the devastation of communities caught in the middle of geopolitical resource struggles, and Raul De Lara’s sculptures and photos literalize the inseparability of ecology, immigrant labor, and consumer products at the Texas border. Each floor is transportive and grounding, escapist and inescapable. • wassaicproject.org/exhibitions/no-misery-can-tell-no-word-of-farewell

Chasing Icebergs: Art and a Disappearing Landscape
On view through March 26, 2023 • Olana State Historic Site, Hudson • The first winter exhibition at Olana State Historic Site will be shown primarily in the Sharp Family Gallery at Olana, and highlights Frederic Church’s iceberg sketches from his 1859 intrepid voyage to the Arctic. Risking his life, Church chartered a ship to the treacherous waters surrounding Newfoundland and Labrador — an area known as Iceberg Alley — on a mission that made him the first American artist to explore the region for the purpose of painting icebergs, a landmark event in the history of art. The exhibit includes photographs and historic texts which Church collected about icebergs and Arctic exploration, as well as the work of four contemporary artists who contemplate the wonder and fragility of Earth’s polar environments.For tickets and additional information, visit OLANA.org/icebergs.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Refresh this link often! Events are added + updated throughout the week, but this link stays the same: hvny.info/calendar/this-week



Rockland Arts Festival 2023 - Call for Artists

Deadline: December 12, 2022 • Rockland Arts Festival invites NY, NJ, CT artists & arts organizations to participate. The Rockland Arts Fsetival is two weeks of free online & in-person arts events! The Rockland Arts Festival will run from January 27 - February 10, 2023 with 128 featured artists, 12 diverse online arts events and an in-person arts festival on February 5 at the Palisades Center. All events are free to the public and everyone is welcome to attend. • Open to all artists (all mediums) age 18 and over and arts organizations.
 Space is limited. No application fee. • rocklandarts@gmail.com, rocklandartsfestival.org, apply at https://tinyurl.com/raf2023

Town of Poughkeepsie Blood Drive
Tuesday, December 13, 2022 • 10am - 4pm • Town of Poughkeepsie Town Hall Meeting Room, 1 Overocker Road, PoughkeepsieLink

Jack DeJohnette with Jon Batiste, Matthew Garrison and Roy Wood Jr.
Thursday, December 15, 2022 • 8pm • Cost: $65 and up • Bardavon Opera House, 35 Market Street, Poughkeepsie • A once in a lifetime concert event with drummer and 2012 NEA Jazz Master Jack DeJohnette (celebrated for his work with Miles Davis Bitches Brew Band, Herbie Hancock, Keith Jarrett, Bobby McFerrin, Bill Evans, and as a band leader and composer) joined by Academy Award, Golden Globe and 5 time Grammy Award winner (including 2022 Album Of The Year – WE ARE), as well as former bandleader and musical director of The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Jon Batiste. Matthew Garrison—co-founder of ShapeShifter + and one of the most critically acclaimed electric bassists of our time having played with Herbie Hancock, Mahavishnu, John Scofield, and Whitney Houston—rounds out the trio. • bardavon.org/show/jack-dejohnette-with-jon-batiste-matthew-garrison/

“A Christmas Carol” World Premiere
December 16-18, 2022 • Fisher Center, Bard College • Friends and family will be delighted by this fresh adaptation of the beloved seasonal tale by Charles Dickens. From the acclaimed SITI Company, this wondrous World Premiere conjures the world of Scrooge and his adventure with the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future from a bare stage and the magic of our shared imagination • More info

The Kingston Farmers Market Winter Market
December 17 & 31, January 14 & 28, February 11 & 25, March 11 & 25, and April 8 & 22 • The Old Dutch Church, 272 Wall Street, Kingston, New York • The biweekly market hosts over 20 local vendors selling fresh seasonal produce, pasture-raised meat, locally grown grains & flour, cheese, baked goods, bread, hot prepared foods & drinks, fish, mushrooms, hand-crafted alcohol, beer and cider, local honey, and wellness products such as soap and tinctures! On December 3 and December 17, the Sintermarket Craft Fair will join the market inside the Old Dutch church with hand-crafted jewelry, pottery, household goods and more for your locally-sourced gift shopping. The market accepts SNAP and offers additional $2 FreshConnect coupons for every $5 of SNAP redeemed. They also sell Solidarity Dollars, a market currency that can be bought at half price to provide income support. • kingstonfarmersmarket.org

Angry Orchard Ugly Flannel Holiday Party
Saturday, December 17, 2022 • 6-9pm • Cost: Free • 2241 Albany Post Road, Walden • Come out in your loudest, tackiest, most heinous holiday outfits and enjoy a cider with family and friends. There will be live music by Lauren Davidson from 6:30-8:30pm, firepit reservations, specialty barrel room tastings, a flannel decorating table, a selfie station, and of course an ugly flannel contest! The winner will receive an Angry Orchard prize. *21 and up only* To book a fire pit or specialty tasting, visit https://www.angryorchard.com/tours

Movies with Spirit: “Merry Christmas”
Saturday, December 17, 2022 • 7pm • $10 • Rondout Valley United Methodist Church, 25 Schoonmaker Lane, Stone Ridge • Screening of the touching drama about a true life Christmas truce unofficially declared by opposing soldiers in World War I • More info: 845-389-9201 or facebook.com/MoviesWithSpirit

Kong: Skull Island (2017)
Friday, December 30, 2022 • 3pm • Cost: $10 • 408 Main Street, Rosendale • A Kong classic on the big screen! A team of scientists, explorers and soldiers arrive on an uncharted island where prehistoric animal life dominates and Kong is King! Their scientific journey soon becomes a matter of survival as they battle to escape from a world where death is around every corner. • rosendaletheatre.org/series/saturday-creature-feature/

Best of the Eagles Holiday Show: A Sugar Loaf Film Festival Event
Friday, December 30, 2022 • 8pm • Cost: $50 • 231 Creamery Pond Road, Chester • Best of the Eagles (BOTE) is joining us for Round 2 on December 30th at The Sugar Loaf Performing Arts Center for a special edition holiday performance. 100-percent of the proceeds will go to The Sugar Loaf Film Festival • sugarloafpacny.com

Adult New Year's Eve Party
Saturday December 31, 2022 • 8pm - 1am • Cost: $60 • Knights of Columbus / Catholic War veterans Hall located at 339 Route 82, Hopewell Junction • Advanced reservations required. Tickets include a Party Favors, Appetizers, Hot Buffet Dinner, Dessert, Coffee/Tea, Soda, Free Glass of Champagne or Sparkling Cider at Midnight. - Dance to the Music of Elite Gold DJ Service as they play your favorite dance music from all eras (1940s through today;s biggest Dance tunes). Watch the Ball Drop at Midnight on our Big Screen TV • stmarys4065.org/upcoming-events


A Night on Broadway to benefit Beautiful People Adaptive Sports
Saturday, February 4, 2023 • 8pm • Cost: $30 • 231 Creamery Pond Road, Chester • Musical Theater veterans Jim Kirk, Erin Cross and Rachel Berkman take the audience on an exciting theatrical adventure through the most beloved, iconic Broadway shows to benefit Beautiful People, which supports persons with disabilities and the broader community of Orange County by providing adaptive sports for children and adults age 5 and up. • sugarloafpacny.com

Friday, February 10, 2023 • 8pm • Cost: $45 • Sugar Loaf Performing Arts Center, 231 Creamery Pond Road, Chester • Frontiers is the world’s number one tribute to Journey. These five talented, skilled, renowned NYC area musicians recreate the music of Journey to perfection, note for note, every nuance, every iconic riff, all the feels. • sugarloafpacny.com

2023 Hudson Jazz Festival: The Shape of Jazz Today
February 16-19 and 23-26, 2023 • Hudson Hall at the Historic Hudson Opera House • Curated by creative producer Cat Henry, the 2023 festival brings together adventurous, inventive artists whose bold vision take jazz in new directions while honoring traditions of the past. • Single event tickets start at $25; Weekend Festival Passes start at $102. All mainstage concerts will be livestreamed. Reservations are required to access the free live streams. Tickets and reservation information at hudsonhall.org or by phone (518) 822-1438.

Woodstock Bookfest
March 30 - April 2, 2023 • Story slam, workshops, keynotes, panels and more • woodstockbookfest.com

REFRESH: This link is updated with new events, change of dates + cancellations. The link’s always the same: hvny.info/calendar/this-week + Submit your event. It’s free: hvny.info/share-your-event


Information for everyday living in the Hudson Valley, New York • hvny.info


Week of December 12-18, 2022


Week of November 28 - December 4, 2022