Eleanor Roosevelt Banned Book Awards announced, Judy Bloom to be honored

Legendary author Judy Blume will receive the first-ever Eleanor Roosevelt Lifetime Achievement Award for Bravery In Literature during the inaugural Eleanor Roosevelt Banned Book Awards Ceremony taking place on February 17, 2024 at the Fisher Center at Bard College.

Seven additional authors will be recognized during the event for creating “a vital work of literature that has experienced challenges and been banned by local municipalities, governments or school boards.” Awardees include Laurie Halse Anderson for SHOUT, Mike Curato for Flamer, Alex Gino for Melissa (previously published as George), George M. Johnson for All Boys Aren’t Blue, Jelani Memory for A Kids Book About Racism, and Maia Kobabe for Gender Queer.
Tickets range from $25–65 and are $5 for students with a valid ID. Tickets can be purchased here. Copies of all featured titles will be available for purchase in the lobby courtesy of Oblong Books. All proceeds will support the Eleanor Roosevelt Center’s future programming including the 2025 Award for Bravery in Literature.
Image, top: Eleanor Roosevelt: National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution; gift of Estrellita Karsh in memory of Yousuf Karsh. Below: Author Judy Bloom by Marion Curtis.