One-way talks in Rhinecliff

The Village of Rhinecliff is the bucolic, quaint … all those adorable adjectives you’d want out of a Hudson River-side town. But parking in the village is sometimes laden with some … other kind of colorful words (especially thanks to the don’t-even-try-turning-around parking by the train tracks.)

On Tuesday, March, 11 at 6pm, representatives from LaBella Associates will present a proposal to convert several streets in the Village of Rhinecliff into one-way streets. The plan is expected to help accommodate parallel parking, and increase parking availability in the riverside village.

The following streets are proposed to convert to one-way streets:

•              Orchard Drive (southbound)

•              Hutton Street (westbound)

•              Corning Street (eastbound)

•              Kelly Street (northbound)

A discussion on these changes will take place at the Morton Memorial Library and Community House, 82 Kelly Street (which won’t be part of the one-way change “because they are important thoroughfares and deemed necessary to keep vehicular flow bidirectional.”)

All are welcome to the presentation. 



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