Supervisor issues 'urgent message' after Gov announces large-scale housing plans at former prison


On Friday, Governor Kathy Hochul unveiled plans to convert the former Downstate Correction Facility in Dutchess County into a “vibrant, mixed-use development.”

One town councilman though, said the plan “is an insult to everyone who calls the Town of Fishkill home.”

The multi-phase project, located in the Town of Fishkill, is said to “create up to 200 construction jobs and up to 1,300 units of housing over ten years, including permanently affordable housing options. The project will feature a playground, a walking trail, and common areas for residents, with additional public amenities being constructed over time, in consultation with the community.”

Led by Conifer Realty LLC, the first phase of construction, which is expected in January 2026, would include 375 units of housing, including a minimum of 20 percent designated as permanently affordable to households earning less than 80 percent of the Area Median Income. Housing options would include two story duplexes and triplexes and at least 25 percent of the units will include three bedrooms.

On Friday evening, the Town of Fishkill Supervisor Ozzy Albra and the town board sent an ‘urgent’ message to residents shortly after the governor’s announcement: “The large mixed-use development being proposed by Empire State Development is incompatible not only with the Town’s wishes, but also with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code. The creation of thousands of new dwelling units being proposed would result in imposition of enormous additional expenses on local school districts, resulting in skyrocketing school tax bills for Town residents. The proposed dense residential development would also result in dangerous traffic congestion. Infrastructure costs for provision of municipal central water and sewer service to the proposed Downstate Facility development will be extremely costly; and those costs would be borne by Town of Fishkill and City of Beacon taxpayers.”

Councilman Brian Wrye stated: "Like everyone on the Board, I ran to halt development such as this monstrosity proposed for Down State. Trust me, I understand that people who want to buy, such as young people including my son with a wife and baby, can’t afford to do so in this market. But Governor Hochul’s plan for Down State is a cause for concern and anxiety. When finished this development could easily add 15% to our population, require about 6 more police officers with new cruisers and bring the required development of a fire district and added EMT. Where’s that money coming from? ESD publicly stated: ‘State officials confirmed on Friday that Conifer's plans are subject to Fishkill's zoning rules and planning board oversight.’ We on the Town Board will do everything to uphold the present zoning."

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