No art-loving dogs allowed (after 8:30am)
Photo by Niki/HVNY
New policy for pooches on the table at local art park
If you follow the HVNY Instagram page, you have probably seen a few furry cameos: they came with me on the first Hike for the Hudson we took at Mills Mansion, helped wish FDR a happy belated birthday at his home in Hyde Park, and most recently, aired out at Olana after a long car ride hunting for historic signs in Germantown.
I love our dogs, Duck and Goose, and love taking them with me whenever I can, but I also know not everyone likes dogs, and quite frankly, Duck and Goose don’t like other dogs or people much either, especially the littlest ones.
Because of this, despite years of training, they’re always on a leash, and we will often take the path less-traveled. But, not all dog owners have the same experience, and unfortunately, not all dog owners have followed the basic guidelines at some of these places, leaving popular spots for locals and travelers alike to alter their dog policies.
At the Storm King Art Center in New Windsor, dogs are not allowed at all on the grounds of the 500-acre sculpture park, unless they are certified ADA Title III service animals. “Emotional support animals, pets or other animals are not considered service animals under the ADA and therefore are not permitted on the property, and may not be left in your vehicles.”
Up in Columbia County, Art Omi, the 120-acre art park, recently changed their guidelines permitting leashed dogs on their art-filled landscape prior to 8:30am only. After that time, dogs and other pets will not be permitted on site, with the exception of registered service dogs.
“Though we love our dog friends, we need to turn our attention to the care of our art, our flora and fauna, and our human visitors,” Art Omi wrote to the Town of Ghent earlier this year on their new dog policy.
As of January 1, 2023 dogs may accompany visitors to the site daily before 8:30am, only. After that time, dogs and other pets are not permitted on site, with the exception of registered service dogs.
“Unfortunately, the reality is that we’ve grown in attendance, we’ve also seen the number of dog-related incidents grow as well. Between April and October, we had nearly 60 incidents reported about dogs: some involving injuries, aggressive animals and owners, one incident requiring police involvement, many complaints about the proliferation of dog poop in the park, of dogs off leash rushing people and other dogs, and dogs running through the parking lot in front of cars.”
Art Omi directors said they didn’t want to close down access entirely since there is a group of local dog walkers who come in the mornings. “They graciously offered to help in various ways including as acting as stewards of Art Omi when they are in the park, which was a heartening response.”
Read the full letter, here: [ PDF of updated policy ]
On Wednesday, March 8, 2023 Art Omi will host a dog policy public forum at the Benenson Center from 6-7pm. If you are unable to attend in-person, email your feedback, questions and concerns to

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