Filming to cause parking restrictions in Kingston


Filming will be taking place this week at several Downtown locations and near the YMCA, according to City of Kingston officials. 

Due to the filming, certain parking restrictions will be in place: 

For the week of February 6 to February 11, 2023, there will be no parking on the north side of Abeel Street between Wurts Street and Hone Street. During this time, there will be no parking in the parking lot on Abeel Street just west of Hone Street on the north side. Also during this time, there will be no parking on east side of Hone Street between Abeel Street and West Union Street.

For the week of February 6 to February 11, there will also be no parking on the YMCA side of Pine Grove Avenue between Broadway and Susan Street. During this time, there will be no parking on the cemetery side of Pine Grove Ave between Cemetery Lane and Mary’s Ave. And during this time there will be no parking in the median of Pine Grove Ave between Broadway and the YMCA entrance.

From the evening of February 6 until the afternoon of Thursday, February 9, there will be no parking on both sides of West Union Street between Hone Street and Post Street. Also during this time, there will be no parking on both sides of Wurts Street between Abeel Street and Spring Street.

From midmorning on Tuesday, February 7 until the afternoon of Thursday, February 9, there will be no parking both sides of Abeel Street between Wurts Street and Broadway.

From midmorning on Tuesday, February 7 until Thursday February 9 at 6:00am, no parking on both sides Hone Street between Abeel Street and Hunter Street; no parking on West Union St. half block from Hone St. on both sides.

From midmorning on Tuesday, February 7 until midmorning on Thursday, February 9, there will be no parking on the south side of Hunter Street between Hone Street and Post Street.

From the afternoon on Tuesday, February 7 until Thursday February 9 at 6:00am, there will be no parking on the west side of Post Street between Hunter Street and West Union Street.

From Wednesday, February 8 at 6:00am until Thursday, February 9 at 6:00am, there will be no parking on the north side of Rondout Landing between the 2 Hudson Valley landing entrances/exits.

From Wednesday, February 8 at 6:00am until Friday, February 10 at 3:00pm, there will be no parking on Rondout Landing between Broadway and Hudson Valley Landing. During this time, there will be no parking in the small parking lot next to Hudson Valley Landing.

From midmorning on Thursday, February 9 until midmorning on Friday, February 10, there will be no parking in the large parking lot under the overpass. During this time, for those displaced by the larger lot closure, meters and parking restrictions are suspended in the parking lot next to Hudson River Cruises, TR Gallo Waterfront Park, and on both Sides of Broadway between W. Strand St and Garraghan Drive.

From Friday, February 10 at 6:00am until the afternoon of Saturday, February 11, there will be no parking at Frank Sass Memorial Field parking lot at Hasbrouck Park. 

The full Executive Order for parking is available here:

The Kingston Police and Fire Departments will have officers on-site for the duration of filming.

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