Mosquitos carrying West Nile virus found in Westchester, Orange counties


As a result of seasonal monitoring, mosquitos carrying the West Nile virus have been detected in Westchester and Orange counties.

In Westchester, infected mosquitos were found in Croton, Mount Vernon, Rye, White Plains and Yonkers. The county’s health department said they will inspect areas surrounding the positive mosquito batches and if needed, treat any nearby catch basins that hold standing water to protect against further mosquito breeding nearby.

“We still have a long mosquito season ahead of us,” Orange County Health Commissioner Alicia Pointer noted. “Residents should wear appropriate clothing, and consider sprays when outdoors, check their property for any standing water.”

Mosquitoes can breed in any standing water that sits still for more than four days. West Nile virus circulates in the environment between mosquitoes and birds. People can become infected with the virus when mosquitoes feed on infected birds and then bite people, but according to the CDC, “people are considered dead-end hosts because unlike birds, they do not develop high enough levels of virus in their bloodstream and cannot pass the virus on to other biting mosquitoes.”

Symptoms of West Nile include fever, headache, body aches and joint pain, but can be more serious for people 60 and older, and those with underlying medical conditions. About 1 out of 150 infected people develop a serious, sometimes fatal, illness, according to the CDC.

Tips to Avoid West Nile:

  • Avoid the outdoors in the late afternoon and early evening when mosquitoes are active and feeding. When outdoors use insect repellents and follow the label instructions. Adults can use insect repellents with up to 30 percent DEET on infants over two months of age by applying the product to their own hands and then rubbing it onto their children, avoiding their children's hands, eyes and mouth.

  • Wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts and socks when outdoors, especially in areas where mosquitoes are active and feeding.

  • Check around your property for anything that can hold water, and pour it out or put it away. Mosquitos don’t travel far from a water source.

  • Check and remove standing water from children’s toys and play houses left outside.

  • Remove discarded tires.

  • Drill holes in the bottoms of all recycling containers that are left outdoors.

  • Turn over plastic wading pools, buckets and wheelbarrows when not in use.

  • Change the water in birdbaths at least twice weekly.

  • Keep storm drains and gutters clear of leaves and debris.

  • Continue to chlorinate swimming pools, outdoor spas and hot tubs until properly winterized or drained for the season. Also, if not chlorinated, drain any water that collects on their covers.

For more information on mosquito prevention or protection, call the Orange County Department of Health at 845-291-2332.



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