Fire destroys barns, products and equipment at popular farm

At 2:30am on Friday, May 19, the Migliorelli Farm in Red Hook suffered “a devastating fire that destroyed not only their barns and building but the farm’s major products and equipment.”
Migliorelli Farm, one of the founding farms at the Rhinebeck Farmers’ Market, with stands across the Hudson Valley and market spots throughout the region and New York City, still planned to attend those markets just days after the fire.
According to reports, included in the loss were multiple tractors and trucks – including an International truck fully loaded with the farm's last load of rye, queued to be delivered that morning to a local distillery. Also lost in the fire were products ready to sell, including hay for horse customers, fertilizer, and mulch.
No cause for the fire has yet to be reported. There were no injuries, but Tivoli Fire Department’s 2nd Lieutenant Hadley O’Connor did rescue a couple of baby raccoons at the scene:
The farm does have insurance, but many of the supplies used for the current growing season are urgently needed.
Fellow farmer, Katherine Hardeman, of Hardeman Orchards in Red Hook, has started a GoFundMe campaign to help the Migliorelli’s rebuild.
“Migliorelli Farm is a family-run farm that has been a staple to Red Hook and surrounding Hudson Valley communities. They have shown support by serving on several town committees and various donations to local functions throughout the years.”
As of this posting, over $84,449 has been raised of a $75,000 goal. To donate, visit:

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